How is it that the  ‘tormented soul’  of a  GIFTED  ARTIST  fails to see the value of its  ‘mark’  in living the course of any lifetime.

I play to a  GREATER  STAGE  rather than to one performance.

Where is the  ‘loyalty’  to the  ‘greater audience’  other than the audience of a single lifetime.

There is  SIGNIFICANCE  in everything which makes a  ‘wondrous  journey’  out of every lifetime.

Author/Elaine Neihardt Smith            www.motionOsis.com



We’re all ‘travelers’  through time.  Seeking and searching we must.  So ‘young’  in years are we,  wondering what seems to be.  Yet ‘old’  are we in centuries,  knowing what must be.

Many times we witness familiarities,  traveling over the ‘ancient paths’  of time.  Yet a  ‘newness’  found each time we’ve grown that extra inch.

With each passing day,  more to learn about the ‘measurement’  of self.  How fascinating,  how exciting,  the  ‘mystery’  which lies before us in solving  ‘ourselves.’  

But in these journeys always remember,  ‘we have learned much……yet we have learned little.’

Just think,  the  ‘shaping and forming’  that someday fills this mold,  is like the  ‘rough stone’  rolling over the hills of time,  until it arrives a  ‘polished one.’  

GROWTH   like a ‘rose’  from ‘seed to bloom’   is complete which is  ‘everlasting’  which is  ETERNAL.

Author/Elaine Neihardt Smith        www.motionOsis.com





There is a  JOY  in living.  In order to experience complete joy,  ’emotions’  in many departments need be ‘felt.’

There is a  WHOLENESS  achieved unlike anything else……and only arrived at after the feeling of these varied  ‘experiences.’

I believe that  PAIN  is one of our  ‘greater teachers.’  Not in the literal sense of inflicting injury upon another……but through one’s own individual self as in the ‘sacrifice’  of the ‘careless self’   through the acts of  ‘discipline and reason.’

The ability to  DEVELOP  to our  ‘maximum capabilities’  is what determines the depth of the dimension.

Just to be a human is most remarkable.  A  ‘living,  breathing,  thinking’  BEING  that has no limitations until one creates them.

The many things there are before us and each equipped with the  ‘basic tools’  to explore them.

Surely then it is to be thought that all  SHARE  the same thing in  ‘common.’  Each owning an individual responsibility to the task of further developing us……a  MASS CONTRIBUTION  toward ‘humankind.’    

Author/Elaine Neihardt Smith            www.motionOsis.com


Is there any greater moment to witness in life then to feel within one’s self,  the light of  GROWTH?

Throughout time we go plodding along in a routine of staleness,  seemingly not to progress in any particular direction.  Then suddenly born from those  ‘few extra steps taken’  there is covered a milestone along our course.

Obviously enough it is advertised all around us,  if we only care to  ‘see or hear’  it.

In the  ANIMAL  KINGDOM  is there anything displayed more  ‘spirited’  as a  ‘horse race.’  Each time their noses touch that starting gate,  they know to  ‘give’  their all around that track.  Each time as though it were the last,  brand new in ‘courage and stamina,’   excited with another chance to try,  for this moment  ‘marks’  the road of  ‘life’  ahead.  

In the  PLANT KINGDOM  has anything displayed more  ‘faithfulness’  in showing up every time regardless of the weather.  I’ve seen a small  ‘tree sprout buds’  of greenery before my very eyes during the middle of a late  ‘snow storm,’  because it was April and time for Spring.

All the  LIVING THINGS   have a job to do and busy themselves  ‘doing’  it,  fulfilling their  ‘purpose.’

NOTICE  those  HUMAN BEINGS  who stand idly by,  scratching their heads in wonderment of the endless successes of others,  without realizing that they are  ‘spending and squandering’  their own time as the wealthy spend their money.

HOW  often does a  ‘human cry’  out from  ‘wishful thinking’  if they could only  ‘turn back’  the wheels of time.  An outright confession of their own guilt in wasting time.

THINK  about the  ‘brave souls’  struggling for their lives in hospitals or the driving forging living spirit throughout the fierce battle field of  ‘war’  or international  ‘sports.’ 

WHY  never before such importance until those moments……that  FIGHT  to  WIN!!!

Just try to imagine;  taking into consideration the brief moments of our existence;  that if all efforts and enthusiasm were found to be important and practiced each day,  adding to this  ‘alertness and awareness’  of the world and those around us,  what fantastic  ‘transformation’  of our lives could occur.

The  FIRST STEP  starts with your  ‘mind’  and the altering of  ‘attitudes.’   Vital in importance is to discover what  ‘mental food’  you are feeding yourself that might come under the dangerous label of ‘mental poisoning.’  

Take  a second  LOOK  around,  what more living  ‘proof’  is needed to convince you.

There are so many things to cover,  roads to travel through ‘life’s journey.’   Life is full and all around you,  bursting forth with ‘invitation’  awaiting your ‘participation.’  What tragedy befalls those who travel life’s paths harboring indifference as their companion.

ONE CAN and must  SEE  the  ‘beauty’  in things.  Put forth their  ‘efforts’  to fulfill their meaning and rightful ‘purpose.’  

Author/Elaine Neihardt Smith            www.motionOsis.com





What a wonderful thing called  LIFE  that comes but  ONCE  in the form of your own lifetime.

The wonders of  LIVING  are thriving all around you and what great pity if they be ignored.

A ‘city’ becomes a ‘robot’ because of its independence of one another.  The ‘country’ has a ‘heart’ that reaches out and touches all its dwellings as if they were under one roof.

To be in contact with  NATURE  brings more of ourselves to the surface which otherwise would be isolated or smothered.

The simple ‘basic things’ are still the ‘surviving things’ that must be expressed or starvation sets in creating the need and desire for substitutes.

Living  POSITIVELY  demands increased alertness and awareness in the ‘preparations of things.’  To strive towards any goal and stumble or fall,  is a far difference to careless blundering which paves the way down a negative path.

This ‘world’ is an  INVESTMENT  which adds or subtracts to our own ends.

The FINE  ART of  LIVING  requires our own CONTRIBUTION  of  SELF  in its entirety.

Author/Elaine Neihardt Smith            www.motionOsis.com




It seems that when life hits us  HEAD ON ,  we cannot make sense of it.   To instead create an atmosphere of  SUPPORT,  breeds a  TRUST  and any barrier can be penetrated.

I am not talking about  ‘acceptance’  which can leave us in a passive helpless stance that can produce ’emotional crippling.’  I mean TRUSTING  in a situation that is  UNKNOWN,  puts other principles to work of greater strength and meaning.

Vital is the communication of trust,  if only for a split second in any given situation or person’s life.  In that instance there is an acknowledgement of  VALUE  existing in the worst of situations. 

Look for the way to constructively  MOVE FORWARD,  utilizing  ‘value’  as the  VEHICLE  of  EXCHANGE.

Truly none of us escape those  CHALLENGES  from the battlefield of life.  The  BIG  things  that happen must never dwarf the importance of   LITTLER  things  which are forever in our reach.  Our richest resources come from these  ‘little things,’   enabling people to  ‘keep stride’  and  ‘climb mountains.’

There is a  NATURAL  LAW  of which each of us can interpret many different ways.  I kind of experience it as an  ‘eternal monitoring’  of which incorporates  OPTIONS  that provide  OPPORTUNITIES  in balancing life’s act. 

I do not make man-made principles my belief,  I merely  ‘appreciate’  them and utilize them as tools to  GRADUATE.

***”Life is an archeological find,   providing you keep on digging.”

Author/Elaine Neihardt Smith            www.motionOsis.com



LAUGH LAB: “The Spoiled American”

  AMERICANS  overdose on  I WANT!  The population breeds illness care,  mental poverty,  criminal minds.

HEALTH CARE SOLUTIONS:  Export the overweight kids to China.  Eat rice,  ride bicycles and plant in the fields.  NO  KIDDING,  these Chinese kids in elementary school learn several languages and excel in science and math!!!

EDUCATION  SOLUTIONS:  Learn Latin and Greek because your  GIBBERISH  is reducing English to GRUNTING  anyway.  Arm teachers with  SPRAY  GUNS  filled with  HAPPY GAS!

CRIME SOLUTIONS:  Bring back the  CHAIN  GANG   and rebuild our infrastructure.  Send criminals to  ‘Commander  ‘ET’  in Roswell New Mexico!

NOW LET’S BE SERIOUS:  Education has a direct relationship to crime,  health and the economy.  Be part of the solution  “SASA KIDS 8 To 108 Traveling TV Talk Show Special”  and national movement.  EDUCATE by getting your  INSTANT  FIX  with  “SASA FLASH.”

Haven’t you heard that strange new word  MOTIONOSIS……it’s not in the dictionary.

Author/Doc Gene            www.motionOsis.com




LAUGH LAB: “Natural NO CUT Brain Surgery”

*Today’s new invasive brain surgery using well known and respected technology has replaced an ancient procedure actually discovered in prehistoric times.  The  ‘AhUghUM’  group;  who at that time had no medical experience;  communicated by  ‘grunts & snorts’  while getting the job done.  Yet despite the lack of scientific validity and medical doctors during  ‘2500 BC’  the art and science of non invasive  ‘Natural No Cut Brain Surgery’  was  BORN.

*As ancient civilization grew into a more modern society,  education got into the act,  sophisticated medicine flourished and  “Natural No Cut Brain Surgery’  was  OUSTED!  Today millions do not,  will not,  or simply dismiss the value of its past breakthrough findings.

*Now with all the scientific proof,  brilliant minds,  geniuses,  technical advances,  leaders and teachers,  most of the general population fails to utilize this  ‘Natural No Cut Brain Surgery.’


*OK……here comes the most unbelievable answer to your questions.  Let’s take the cost.  ARE  YOU  READY???

IT’S  FREE……NO COST……NO $$$……NO  CATCHES……NO  CON!  And it works 100% of the time with  NO  SIDE  EFFECTS,  NO REHAB.

*Let me hear that again……you say you’re not buying?  So go ahead,  read all the good books,  get an education,  talk with authorities,  become a walking encyclopedia,  listen to promoters and pay $1000’s  for their expert advice.  NOTHING  over centuries has or will ever  CHANGE  the absolute effectiveness of   ‘Natural  No  Cut  Brain  Surgery.’ 

READY  OR  NOT……here’s the  ANSWER:  Just take that  HEADSET  atop your shoulders……plug it into a  QUIET PLACE……tune into that  GRAY MATTER……and  THINK !!!!!!


Author/Doc Gene            www.motionOsis.com


LAUGH LAB – Happy! Or Hippy ?

*U  P  P  E  R  S      &      D  O  W  N  E  R  S *

Gads……these ads got me all confused.  First I’m given  ‘Niagra’  and feel like I can swim up stream.  Then I tried  ‘SeeAlice’  and suddenly playing golf w/o clubs looked awfully good to me.

Oh but you haven’t seen anything yet.  I take this ‘stick’  and rub it under my arm pits and low and behold I’m  AIR BORNE!  I guess they call it  ‘Testostermost’  but wait I get this shot in the arm and ‘Mars’ doesn’t seem that far away because I’ve been  STEROIDIZED!

But that’s nothing because after all that,  I get EGM  ‘Elephant Growth Morons’  or maybe it’s  HGH  ‘Human Growth Horrormones.’

Well now I’m embarrassed because everything on me seems bigger,  stronger,  and women love me because I can fly like Superman and climb like Spiderman.

I said  ‘uppers & downers’  right…where’s the downers?  No problem……I swim the English Channel,  run up Mt Everest,  fly to the moon and the women all know I’m gonna come back for more.  These  ‘Elephant Growth Morons’  or  ‘Human Growth Horrormones’  always put me up today and down tomorrow.

But I’m happy cause I tripped out on  ‘Egotizers’  and now it’s down town cause I’m ‘flaked out,’  ‘left out’,  ‘put out’ and  LIGHTS  OUT!!!

Ha  Ha  Ha……my title is:  GOTCHA

Check me out on internet bookstores,  authors (Neihardt & Smith)  www.xlibris.com





There are two worlds paralleling one another,  the ‘physical world’ and the ‘non physical world.’  We need to pursue the ‘bridge’ between the physical ‘life’ and non physical ‘death.’

We are ‘chemical beings’ stimulated by energy.  Although our brains are primitive,  when certain areas are stimulated,  we respond to the unknown.  It is well studied how persons who have passed away return to us many times over the years acting as guides or transmitting urgent information.  The phenomenon of non physical beings materializing during early morning hours when the earth is damp with moisture, coincides with the magnetic field.

The bridge between worlds is experienced during OBE’S  (out of body experiences),  visions,  dreams,  etc; happening to millions of people and why because we are already wired to rediscover these inner worlds. 

Scientists are seeking external worlds,  when ‘Sensitives’ are projecting from inner worlds.  Science needs to focus on the energy fields of dying persons and following their passing.  Our physical instruments which attempt to measure  ‘parapsychology’  is  ‘archaic.’  The human brain is the only instrument possible to do the measuring when stimulated.

The mistake we make is attempting to duplicate ourselves when there are ‘higher planes.’  It is vital to make this connection between ‘both worlds’  which are in reality  ONE WORLD.

The ‘galactic’ trip lures us into the ‘cosmos.’  Our challenge is not just out there but right here on ‘earth’  to master this act for the making of  better worlds to come.

Author/Elaine Neihardt Smith            www.motionOsis.com