#2 ISSUE – Health Care – $3 Trillion Ripoff !!!

Hey  “SASA  KIDS”  I’m Doc Gene and this is  WSBN  (World SASA Broadcasting Network).

I’m really excited over a million people on the internet from all over the world responding to our  Global Movement:  “SASA  KIDS   8  To  108.”

Issues are what you all care about but are slammed with problems  ‘Who or why’  which is playing the blame game.  “No Time To Cry”  on issues means solutions   WHAT & HOW !!!

Did you know the  U.S.A.,  the richest country in the world is ranked  LOW  LOW  LOW   in overall performance in health care?

Haven’t you heard our life expectancy is  NOT  WHAT  YOU  THINK?   We spend  FORTUNES   yet we have frightening numbers of  DEATHS!  The whole  Health  Care  system needs to  EXPIRE  and be  RE-INCARNATED.

Have you heard the latest  OVERDOSE  from  BIG PHARM  who puts no ceiling on prices?   Did you know the U.S.A.  FREAKS  out on  MEGA  amounts of pain  MEDICATION  over the rest of the world?

Didn’t you know the EPIDEMIC  that’s alive and kicking,  wildly spreading is now identified as the  “IT’S  &  PITS” !!!

WATCH  OUT……TV News has got the whole  COUNTRY  COLLAPSING  with disease,  crime,  accidents  AND  making you all feel like  JUMPING  OFF  a cliff !!!

DON’T !!!      FIND  OUT  what’s really going on and  WHAT  YOU  CAN  DO  ABOUT  IT.  

Read:  Doc Gene











     Everybody is  selling  something.  What should  we  buy?  Who should we  believe?  Can they be  trusted?  Do they really  care?  Do they follow their own  advice?  What’s their real  story?  What’s their motive?

     Those in position of  power  sell their story and look to  influence  your decisions.  Are they right?  How really  honest  are they?  Can we follow their  direction?  They  preach  to us,  plead  with us,  pressure  us,  push  us,  betray  us,  cheat,  lie,  beg,  compliment  us,  befriend  us,  fight  and even  love  us.    

     But is it  real?  How do we know it’s the  truth?  What might they be  hiding?  Who is to blame for all the  troubles  in the world?  Are they  controlled  by organizations, causes, religions, philosophies, cultures, relatives, friends, businesses, competitors and even colleagues?

     What do  authorities  bring to the daily table of   negotiations   with you that are part of this vast array of  opinions  and network of ideas, ideals and brain washings from their controlled world?  Do your pastors,  teachers,  doctors,  nurses, scientists,  bankers,  lawyers,  politicians,  commentators, sales people,  actors,   agents,  directors,  celebrities,  neighbors, relatives,  husbands,  wives,  kids,  parents,  all tell you the truth?

     What truly  guides  all of us in this strange and troubled world laden with complexities in millions of  transactions?  Do we  question  enough,    search  for the facts,  ask  that question that everyone is thinking:  WHAT  IS  REAL? 

     If you  live  your life focused on  what is real ,  you will always be  true  to your very own direction,  reality  and satisfaction as you struggle through life’s journey.   What is real  defines the heart  and soul  of every  human  being on earth.  When you find  what is real ,  you’ve found your  SOUL MATE.

Author/Doc Gene                        www.motionOsis.com




#1 ISSUE – ‘The Economy’

HEY  “SASA KIDS”  I’m  Doc Gene and this is  WSBN   (World  SASA  Broadcasting  Network).

I’m really excited over a  million people  on the internet from all over the world responding to our global movement:  “SASA  KIDS 8 To 108.”

“NO  TIME  TO  CRY”  is our  theme song.  I wrote the words and music and  sang  it on  TV/Radio appearances.  Tune in and hear the  singer with the flags.    www.youtube.com/user/lanegene

ISSUES  are what you all care about but are slammed with problems,  Who or Why  which is playing the  blame game “No Time To Cry”  on issues means  solutions  WHAT & HOW !!!

Wait till you hear the  power  KIDS  have with their  $6 Billion  allowances!

NO  MONIES  they say……U.S.  $17  Trillion   debt……&  $450  Billion  interest!!!


The  United States  has over $188  Trillion  total assets……with a  $70 – 80  Trillion  net worth.

Where is it?       We’re sitting on it!        Find out the  MAGIC  BULLET!

Read:  Doc Gene    

LAUGH or CRY !!!

*MOTIONOSIS……Motionosis……what is this strange word?

Find out  how to be the  MOSTEST……go to the web find your  DIAGNOSIS.

Under your nose get easy  PROGNOSIS.

Keep your focus with  MOTIONOSIS.


This word  Motionosis  is not in the dictionary.  Scholars do not know what it is.  Government thinks it’s  ‘suspicious.’  Psychiatrists think it’s a ‘psychosis.’  Scientists think it’s from  ‘outer spaces.’


Kids…parents…families run to the nearest computer and click on:  www.motionOsis.com

And find a map to  EVER  EVER  LAND.

Only those who don’t click in……will stay prisoner in  NEVER  NEVER  LAND.

GOTTA  GET  that  “SASA FLASH”  FIX……or  WATCH OUT  for whose   “GOTCHA”!!!


Author: Doc Gene         www.motionOsis.com




Ever stand real still next to a bubbling  ‘stream’  or lean against a  ‘tree’?

You can sense a definite  ‘purpose’  there because everything in  ‘nature’  has a plan and you can almost feel it at work.

The same for a  ‘human being’  if they would only be still inside long enough to  ‘listen’  for it.

Seems that the  first half’   of  life is  ‘blown’   spending a fortune we don’t even have.  The  ‘second half’  is ‘saving’  a lost than found treasure, the most valuable of all.

If you’ve done alot of living……you cease being an authority.


Author: Elaine Neihardt Smith                        www.motionOsis.com



WAKE  UP  and understand how the  ‘complacency’  of our ‘political supremacy’  continues to bury us alive in spite of   (Pearl Harbor…Oklahoma Bombing…Twin Towers…Boston Marathon Bombing)  all of which  SHOCKED  yet numbed our nation.  It took the  SUICIDE  BOMBING  of our  AMERICA’S  HEARTLAND  to  WAKE  UP  AMERICA!!!


Is it enough of a lesson here to make it a priority to clean up our act at home as well as abroad?  The greatest  CRIME  of all time is the  CRY OF OUR VETERANS.  The thousands who died for our freedom and those who survived still suffering from total neglect.   

Has our  ‘tolerance’  of  ‘crime’  running rampant in our streets,  ‘corruption’  in our governments,  ‘inhumane acts’  against our own peoples,  knit the very fabric of our society?

Do we want the  ‘FOOLS HAVE FORGOTTEN’  to be our  ‘theme song’  instead of the  RED-WHITE & BLUE?  When will our  ‘narcissism’  ever give way to a constructive integration of differences. 

‘America’  it’s okay to celebrate your hopes and dreams,  your best of intentions,  but it is  UNFORGIVABLE  to turn your backs on your own people,  your own problems for decades which could have made the difference today.

We have a choice ‘to be or not to be’  buried in the rubble of our own  ‘complacency.’  IS  THIS  HOW WE  HONOR  OUR  ‘VETERANS’?

MEMORIAL  HOLIDAY  was not a holiday for our troops and loved ones,  it was literally  D – DAY!!!         In memory of these brave souls,  let’s each pay our  ‘respects by helping’  one another not just in the  ‘bad times,’   but especially in the  ‘good times.’   What greater gift could be given to our ‘Vets.’  

Author/Elaine Neihardt Smith                        www.motionOsis.com








“HEALTHWEALTH”  is an ongoing  ‘process’   which supersedes all else and can be ‘taken with’  you.

Any  material gain is merely icing on the cake whether it be achieved by fraud or honesty AND   ‘cannot’  be  ‘taken with’  you.

Most important is the kind of  luggage  you will carry when you  ‘leave this earth’  physically and the ‘contents’  in that luggage  ‘left’  behind.

‘lifetime’  is our greatest lesson so why not  ‘lighten the load’  no matter what road we travel.


Author: Elaine Neihardt Smith            www.motionOsis.com




One at a time we go……while remembering life’s dying embers.

Did the seeds that we planted…become the deeds ever haunted.

How the light did shine over darkened discomfort…as we hurdled over the good and the bad.

Glimpses of faces and far away places…became the filler of where we’ve been.

Time seems merely an illusion…a day, a month, then years in the passing…leaving only seconds left to realize that we were once there.   

Where to now as darkness hovers toward another unknown…awaiting to be born unto a new light bearing the known.

Author: Elaine Neihardt Smith            www.motionOsis.com