“MIND  MATTER MOTION”…………Throughout my life I have learned to appreciate this existence through the internal and external teachings of  ‘mind’  ‘matter’  and  ‘motion.’  From these universal principles awakened an insight for me wherein exists a world of depth,  never ending in wealth and enrichment of spirit.

Human beings I have come to know as a natural phenomena of most amazing sorts for we have shared the paths of grief and glory.  Man, woman and child constitute a uniqueness somewhat elusive in character which I care to define as being  Mind-Matter-Motion……the unique  ‘intelligence.’

This intelligence is time and cannot be measured as it is a growing thing.  You need only to look around you to see the intricacies which balance the scales in all of nature’s living things.  A flower completes its experience from seed to bloom only through the process that takes place with the passing of time.  Animals possessing instinct need time to master their built in set of tools.  Humankind, an even greater network of complexities must combine a balance within of mind, body and spirit.  The origin of all things is a continuing process of change as a rolling stone reshapes and refines its material over the vast span of time.

What possible testing or judgement could determine the inner destiny of what is always a beginning?  How could the depth or breadth of character be accurately weighed before life’s hurdles passed over, enroute in the course of living.  To capture the meaning of intelligence through any means would be to question a wave born of the sea, weaned about the jagged cliffs, breaking into endless spray or to account for every grain of sand upon a beach.  No……we can only know fleetingly the moment which slips away into inevitable disguise, becoming something more.

What then is INTELLIGENCE but the INFINITE WHOLE,  ‘ONENESS’……humankind down to their individual contribution of self.  Then who be this self but a unique being molded with the ingredients of all things,  insignificant within its size in number,  yet greatly significant in its presence and purpose of meaning.

Man, woman and child are linked together in a mixture of molecules and mystery,  uncertain in their destiny through the movement of life giving processes.  MIND does not die,  MATTER momentarily disorganizes from whence it becomes reorganized,  MOTION is the act of becoming inevitably something more.

In this moment I am focusing my being upon mind and matter, the vehicles of process propelled by the expression of motion, so vital in discovering and defining my identity.  Journeying within this moment I am sensing earth and space with great intensity as the activity of life and living burst all around me.           HAPPY EASTER!

Author/Elaine Neihardt Smith            Book: “Mind Matter Motion”

LAUGH LAB: 21ST Century Driver’s Commandments

ONE:  Thou Shalt buckle up in  HONOR  of those who have gone before us.

TWO:  Thou Shalt  REFRAIN  from asking a tourist for directions when lost.

THREE:  Thou Shalt  ADMIRE  ‘hands free’ that motor mouth when their in the absence of others.

FOURTH:  Thou Shalt  SMILE  at the moron pumping gas while pointing to the warning sign that their cell phone could blow the whole station up.

FIVE:  Thou Shalt wave  HAPPILY  at the frantic lane changer who ends up waiting at the same stop before you do.

SIX:  Thou Shalt  JUMP  out of the car and start ‘running in place’ while a police officer writes the speeding ticket.

SEVEN:  Thou Shalt  RESTRAIN  oneself from giving the ‘super finger’ to the maniac who cuts them off in traffic.

EIGHT:  Thou Shalt not  HAUNT  the creep who kills you in a car accident.

NINE:  Thou Shalt  SAVOR  the moment while pulling out of a parking spot because this is when you’re the most loved.

TEN:  Thou Shalt  BLESS  the ground we drive on but pray every day we can stay above it and not below it.

Authored By/Lane



“SASA KIDS 8 To 108”  is calling you to come aboard national  TV/Radio Talk!

KIDS…PARENTS…invite your families & friends to become  “SASA KIDS”  and be forever part of a global movement.

YOU are the STARS of the show!  No scripts, unrehearsed, spontaneity, interacting with celebrity host ‘Doc Gene.’

TALK that’s educational and entertaining…but FUN!

WAIT a minute…gotta be an official  “SASA KID”……so right here…right now…get  “SASA FLASH”!

Scroll down website: www.motionOsis.com Press button for “SASA FLASH”

NOW…YOU’RE…READY!!!   For shows, events, rallies & direct email contact:  info@motionOsis.com



Philanthropists need a WAKE UP CALL.  There are millions of us out there in ‘Main Street USA’ who do not have the funds to BUILD on an idea or even a life’s work that of which would or has GREATLY contributed to humankind.  There are huge lacks in our society because funding is used as either a write off that pads the pockets of those who operate foundations with minimal amounts given to those who either are non profits or those who cannot even afford to open up a non profit in order to receive funding.

The entire concept is maddening!  It is amazing HOW vast stores of wealth are held up by those who have it or gatekeepers who literally sit on it within a country that has incredulous NEEDS!

Generation after generation passes on the same process while blaring STATISTICS  screaming for HELP continue to rise in the RICHEST COUNTRY in the world!

Credit surely is given to certain wealthy who donate to the tangibles  in this world but how about the INTANGIBLES???  Where are the psychologists who seem to be the only ones aware of the MENTAL aspects of any society?  Mind is an intangible and there is one professional team who mastered  “A Physiological Approach To Psychological Problems”  and attempted to plug its soaring success rates into this unwilling society through its book:  “Mind Matter Motion.”

What is your answer to their life’s work which still is alive and kicking since 1968 but still struggling to contribute their efforts to humankind before they leave this planet???


Authored By/Lane

LAUGH LAB: The Melting Pot Fiasco – Immigration

HEY Jack, come back……I know your white but you said your ancestors did all this.

HELP,  it’s harvest time and you don’t have to worry about the border. Comon and work from dawn till dusk, the 115 degrees is a breeze!

You say you don’t want to?  Wait, there’s more to offer for less than the minimum wage.  You can always take on a second job like…buss boy, dishwasher, gardener and hold out for the best part.  You can do all this without health care……….just die young.

No matter because while your at it pay taxes, buy goods, contribute to the local economy, raise your family and live on a dime.  WAKE UP  Jack……this is the American Dream!

But Jack……don’t you wanna try this for at least just one month?  Didn’t you hear that the farm workers are going on strike?

No food, no service……but Jack you could always leap the fence, learn a new language, say  ‘SI’  and smile for awhile.


LAUGH LAB: Congress…The Real Academy Awards

AND the winner is???  ‘Disneyland on the Potomic Puppets’  with their $5000. suits, face lifts, bouffant hairdos and motor mouths.

The stage is set, lights…action…camera and undying intellectual dialog.  The look good, sound good, soap opera drama is so captivating, so entertaining that millions of Americans are hooked again.

The game plays out salaries $182,000.+, benefits, pensions, superior health care while ‘We The People’  pay the bill.  Public servants you say?  Open door policy?  Transparency?  None exists and  STRIKE 3  YOUR OUT!  But whose out…WE ARE!  We pay, they lay…down on the job that is.

AND the answer is…all public servants hereby undergo the MMPI Psychological Test.  Shorten careers to ONE term.  Slash salaries to the minimum wage.  Reward efforts by points for perks.  Swear in to unselfishly serve the people, swear out what could and couldn’t be done.

In other words folks, we gotta  STOP their psychosis…START new neurosis… GO motionosis.


HAPPINESS…Is To Contemplate

No matter whether you are youth or elder,  reflect back on each day and remember. Like an architect we  move moments in a mixture of low points and highlights that take shape in what matters in our journey through time.

We discover in bits and pieces the hardship and kinship which make up the building blocks of a life in the process of living.

Like jugglers we toss tangibles and intangibles into a universe that pitches the known and the unknown, challenging our person to meet the task of the century.

We may think that negative equals  ‘Hell’  before we master that conflict or incomplete thing. We learn that positive equals  ‘Heaven’  after we have resolved that conflict or completed that something.

Because solving & resolving problems takes long periods of time;  where the few moments of resolution last so briefly;  makes us feel we’re living in  ‘Hell’  longer than  ‘Heaven.’

The reward may come in spurts for coping or accomplishing and the price for learning may be dear……BUT never forget, that the trip may be  ‘Hell’  but the finished product is  HEAVEN!

Authored By: Lane          www.motionOsis.com

LAUGH LAB: Calling ‘James Arness’ GUNSMOKE!

Matt Dillon has been ordered by the government to shape up the New West.

Back to the ‘good guys’ all of them armed including ‘pistol packin Mommas’ with the instructions of whenever the ‘bad guys’ are tryin to take you out……you take 10 steps forward or backward……(depending on how good – you are)  pull out your pistol and then FIRE AWAY!!!

All’s fair in love and war.  No more machine guns, automatic rifles or tomahawks allowed.  No more criminals, crazies, nut cakes, basking for life in our comfy prisons, soaking up the good life of  TV, 4 squares  and writing for profit  ‘get rich quick’  books.

Marshall Dillon says  “HOLD IT”  which stops the lobbyists, special interest groups and breaks up the parties battling under republican or democrat.  Next he blasts into law……quote  “Any moronic Washington Senator or Congressman who won’t shut up……has to draw.”

The Wild West of yesteryear comes back to life today in this 21st century.  No more free speech, courts, jury duty or debates on gray areas.  It’s strictly black & white now cause we might have a police state if we DARE to enforce law.

You’re right……the good ole  USA  is NUMBER ONE !!!

Be proud that in the world we’re  #1  in violence, crime, gun ownership with glaring yearly statistics in the U.S. that  8,000  of over 12,000  murders are by guns.  WHOSE NEXT?

Matt Dillon isn’t here but he is remembered as the CLASS ACT of his day and surely would agree with  “SASA” who says “The solution is prevention, not  ‘Who or Why’  but  WHAT & HOW.”


‘California Gold’

If you’re lucky enough to live in the state of California, you struck  ‘gold.’

The hearty hand from a bear hug of a man graciously escorted you from highways to skyways over towns & woods touching the hearts and souls of its people.

Enroute he led with ease and simplicity across  ‘mother earth’ and all her inhabitants. Whether trees, rocks or streams, they joined in the chorus of living things.  Buildings came to life in  tribute to human lives of toil and sacrifice.  People who might never have been known, were seen and heard.

What else could that touch of  ‘gold’  light up but only the  face of an ‘angel’…… our one and only beloved  ‘HUELL HOWSER.’   He gave us beauty, we honor his peace.

Lane/Author      www.motionOsis.com

FRIENDS and FANTASY Come In The Darndest Pkgs!


I SIT HERE  in the middle of a forest where woods and streams surround me. The overwhelming growth consumes me as my limitations in perceiving things frantically attempt to make an immediate capture.

I begin naming things. That’s a leaf…a branch…a tree…a brook…the sky. Time and again I catch myself, for to look at that same flower without any name, I begin to see miniature worlds of wonder.

Once merely a rock riddled with algae, now becomes a moss covered palace of velvet green splendor. The trees become instruments of a mighty orchestra. The streams and brooks become the voice of a thundering chorus. The sky becomes maestro in shading and lighting.

I STAND  in the middle of civilization with a busy metropolis surrounding me. I find myself thinking…buildings…traffic…people.

When I look again, buildings become variations of fascinating form, traffic becomes a symbol of our threatening yet ever changing norm.

Instead of seeing people, I see individual persons. Masses of gender suddenly appear in likeness of one another yet difference in character. When I look very closely, I see in one single human form all the combinations of these masses in miniature.

Males look like females who look like males and females look like males who look like females.

I see with amazement how this very sight models the schools of fish in the ocean, each looking different yet resembling the other. I can see in birds, plants and animals, themselves as relatives to the ‘whole scheme’ of things.

Everywhere I go I see reflections of myself and others.  I am warmed by the statement  ‘humans are created equal’ yet I am cooled by the devastating ‘hole’ it has left in the WHOLE of humankind. We are created equal ONLY in the way that we are equipped with the same basic tools, we are not equals in the way in which we use them.   Authored By Lane   www.motionOsis.com