WHAT……you don’t speak MARTIAN,  don’t understand MOON TALK,  can’t translate EARTH’s prehistoric language to WORMHOLE dialect?

Is time travel,  speed of light,  interstellar galactic space,  life & death,  all illusions and MUMBO JUMBO to you?

GAD’s  we all need help and in a hurry!  Surely MARS and other planets in our solar system must have advance intelligence,  genius somehow,  beyond our present ‘moronic…idiotic…psychotic society.

WHAT civilization would even think in such ‘numbness’ that we are alone in this universe.  With all the countries in the world of different lingoes,  we can’t even agree within one language.

WHO is going to be the teacher?  Why  MORGAN FREEMAN  of course!  Just take a look at those eyes,  you know he gets his answers from outer space.  Watch how fast he speeds back and forth in a flash between millions of yesterdays and tomorrows.

TODAY  you think you savvy what that  BABY BABBLE is saying!  Think again, it’s wondering what’s the matter with this earthling parent that doesn’t know what INTERPLANETARY TALK is.  Animals are even smarter than we are,  they’re slowly disappearing into the cosmos.  AND Morgan Freeman is  constantly reminding us that  100 Million years ago  we wouldn’t be having this conversation.  Just get a load of all those cave etchings and standup hairdos on the  HISTORY CHANNEL.  Doesn’t it make you wonder about what shape of head is on your next door neighbor?

WONDER why the earth spins around the universe,  people go in circles,  civilization is moving faster,  time is flying,  people are multiplying,  pollution is spewing,  icebergs are melting,  ozone is thinning???……it’s making us all  CRAZY!  Somehow we  GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE!

NOT TO WORRY……life and death may be one and the same.  A grain of sand from earth as knowledge may be a mere bloop on the radar screen.  so how do I know this?  Because I’ve gone down the WORMHOLE……met  Morgan  on the way as we spoke:

STOP your psychosis……GET new neurosis……GO motionOsis.


IF you really have a DOWN DAY and feel unmotivated……just turn on the TV and watch some commercials.

‘Out of shape’  people appear……JUST  TAKE  SOME  TESTOSTERONE……blares across the screen and like them you’re JUMPING out of windows because now your UP longer than you’re down.

You took the WRONG PILL…(Cialis or Viagra) and how did you end up in that strange bedroom?  Suddenly you can RUN a nonstop world record just to find your way back home.  Bet you forgot to take your ‘tranquilizer’ or ‘sleeping pill’  instead.

WHAT TO DO……well just CHANGE the channel and HEY there’s a couple in their 70’s covered with grease paint to look like they’re in their 30’s……but who cares that’s nothing!  Your only thought is  DIVE OUT  that window  BUT  pointing right at you is a  GUN  with a ‘terrorist’ on the other end of it!  

WHAT TO DO……GRAB your ‘heart medicine’ and offer him some.  QUICK……light up a ‘marijuana cigarette’ and blow a ‘smoke screen’  so you can crawl over your ‘back brace’ and change the channel to football!

DON’T WORRY……the idiot on TV can’t see you as you wake up from any ‘nightmares’ and find yourself on the MOON instead cause you fell short trying to escape to MARS.

OHHH……one thing I forgot to tell you……that knocking on your door right now is the FBI who monitored your phone calls & emails.  BIG BROTHER also confiscated all your confessions on social networks……meaning all of this constitutes…YOU’RE UNDER ARREST……and you never left the house???


LAUGH LAB: ‘CONGRESS’……The Real Academy Awards!

AND……the winner is???   Those political  ‘Disneyland on the Potomac Puppets’  with their $5000. suits,  face lifts,  bouffant hairdos  and motor mouths.

The stage is set,  lights…action…camera  and undying intellectual dialog.  The look good,  sound good,  soap opera drama is so captivating,  so entertaining that millions of Americans are hooked again.

The game plays out salaries $182,000+,  benefits,  pensions,  superior health care while WE THE PEOPLE  pay the bill.  Public servants you say?  Open door policy?  Transparency?  NONE exists and STRIKE 3 YOUR OUT!!!  But whose out……WE ARE!  We pay,  they lay……down on the job that is.

AND the answer is……all public servants hereby undergo the  MMPI Psychological Test.  Shorten careers to ONE term.  Slash salaries to the minimum wage.  Reward efforts by points for perks. Swear in to unselfishly serve the people,  swear out what could and couldn’t be done.

In other words folks,  we gotta  STOP their psychosis…START new neurosis…GO motionOsis.


LAUGH LAB: I Wanna My Marijuana !!!

“I wanna my marijuana legal or illegal.”  The name of this game is dependency. Thousands of ‘social addictions’  surround any drug.

Don’t be a SAP caught taking a NAP……you’re in a TRAP!  The choice is yours,  either MD’s (medical docs) or DD’s (drug dealers).

Go ahead……graduate to harder drugs and join 28.5 million BRAIN DRAINED Americans age 12+.  Still in DENIAL……so was seat belts,  alcohol and smoking.

Wanna get off the HOOK,  only those with debilitating diseases.  SOLUTION:  “Addiction Is Not A Problem,  It’s A Process.”  Use it or abuse it.

Meet “SASA” and get your QUICK FIX with “SASA FLASH.”

STOP your psychosis,  START new neurosis,  GO motionOsis.

‘To Tar And Feather A Black President Who Is Half White’

MENTAL ILLNESS drives this MADNESS in the media, the political parties, the many in main street USA.

The 2014 ‘State Of The Union Address’  delivered intelligently, so passionately yet eloquently by our President of this United States, brought again his ‘breath of fresh air’ to a stagnant political system.

Never in our history have destructive forces of DISCRIMINATION been so livid in the total disrespect shown by opposing sources toward a ‘Black Man’ who reigns in the ‘White House,’ who holds the highest office in the land.

YOU ALL KNOW WHO YOU ARE……and I wonder what your religion teaches you,  what kind of mentality you must have,  how indifferent you must be toward others,  how totally oblivious you are to comprehending caring or kindnesses???

This road you travel wreaks with medieval evils of the past in misjudging and crucifying a ‘Black Man’ who is ‘half White’……a man who has risen above the highest expectations against insurmountable odds and you turn against him.  I DARE YOU to walk in his shoes!

HISTORY AGAIN REPEATS ITSELF!  President Barack Obama has CHANGED HISTORY just by being there let alone his relentless pursuit to make America a stronger greater place.

Thank God there are Americans who meet him more than half way……and I am one.

Lane Tech 


A T T E N T I O N   ‘Year 2014’

* Thou Shalt buckle up in HONOR of those who have gone before us.

* Thou Shalt REFRAIN from asking a tourist for directions when lost.

* Thou Shalt ADMIRE those ‘hands free motor mouths’ with the absence of others.

* Thou Shalt SMILE at the ‘moron’ pumping gas while pointing to the warning sign that their cell phone could blow the whole station up.

* Thou Shalt ‘WAVE HAPPILY’ at the ‘frantic lane changer’ who ends up waiting at the same stop before you do.

* Thou Shalt JUMP out of the car and start ‘running in place’ while a police officer writes the speeding ticket.

* Thou Shalt RESTRAIN oneself from giving the SUPER FINGER to the ‘maniac’ who cuts them off in traffic.

* Thou Shalt not HAUNT the ‘creep’ who kills you in a car accident.

* Thou Shalt SAVOR the moment while pulling out of a parking spot because this is when you’re the most loved.

* Thou Shalt BLESS the ground we drive on but PRAY every day we can stay above it and not below it.



!!!!!! C   E   L   E   B   R   A   T   E !!!!!!

My  ‘New Year’s  TOAST to that  ‘2014’ world out there…………

Humans who occupy this planet would best make every day like a holiday in the way of celebrating our purpose here and that is alerting ourselves to act in helping the needs of others.

Opportunity lies in abundance awaiting each one of us to fill a void.  There are countless ways to GIVE in RESPECT for or CARING about others.

I greet each day with the thinking of what GOOD DEED could I do today?  Remember…………people make people sick and people make people well.

There is nothing to lose in spreading GOOD WILL.  Try it you might like it!

Let’s  CELEBRATE  the 2 Leggeds……the 4 Leggeds……Fin…Fur…& Feathered FRIENDS!      



LOVE SAYS:  I’m the most important thing in your life, how can you live without love.”

SPIRITUALITY SAYS:  If you don’t have spirituality your life is empty. Spiritual reality is a must for happiness.”

HOPE SAYS:  If you don’t have hope, you have nothing. Hope for tomorrow is your key to survival.”

MOTIVATION SAYS:  You have to be motivated to reach your goals in life. Motivation is the mind set that leads to becoming a winner and success.”

LIFESTYLE SAYS:  As you go through life your habits follow you. Lifestyle can make or break your path toward objectives you desire.”

LOVE SAYS:  “I’m more important because I am a stronger force in your life.”

SPIRITUALITY SAYS: “Your faith comes from the beliefs you have and so I’m more important.”

HOPE SAYS:  “Just think why I’m more important than any of you. Hope brings potential for positive thinking.”

MOTIVATION SAYS:  “No way, you’ve got to be motivated first or you won’t even try, so I’m more important.

LIFESTYLE SAYS:  “Whichever road you take in life your SOCIAL ADDICTIONS will dictate your behavior in either USA’s (Undesirable Social Addictions) or DSA’s (Desirable Social Addictions). So I’ve GOTCHA and come in first because you use me or abuse me, effecting all else in your life.”

“SASA SAYS”:  “There is NO CONTEST here, you all need to work together. Love, Spirituality, Hope, Motivation, Lifestyle, are not by themselves the answer to winning life’s battles. TOGETHER they form the most POWERFUL bond which can bring PEACE, HARMONY, JOY and FREEDOM in your life.”

***Merry Christmas to all “SASA KIDS 8 To 108”

*STORY 7* ! POOH ON POLITICS ! – “Earth Air Water And People”

*LABELS…LABELS…LABELS……CONSERVATIVE……LIBERAL……once you are daring enough to look up the definition in the dictionary,  you will wonder how political parties have seized ownership of these non political words.

As Americans aren’t we first human beings who live and love along with the rest of humankind?  How is it that our lives are so defined through labels.  CONSEQUENCES  from this are dividing  ‘Main Street USA’  who allow careless and thoughtless acts of tagging.  We’ve traded in breathing,  thinking,  feeling souls who work and strive for unity for ROBOTS!

EASY means giving up and giving in to a society which supports those “Disneyland On The Potomac Puppets”  wearing their $5000. suits and pompous hairdo’s.  PUSHING the button and letting the POISON flow freely from  MOTOR  MOUTHS  bickering,  battling and dumping on us tax payers paying the bill.

STOP the overcast of POLITICAL  POLLUTION by turning on and listening only to the voices who INTEGRATE not separate.  Americans must be BOLD in their STANCE to override their country’s own dictatorship.  Stand with the rest of the world to remind negative dictators that we all live on a planet spinning in space where any intergalactic catastrophe could occur and we’d all be gone.


CELEBRATE with a great new world for each and every……YOU & ME !!!

Author/Doc Gene  

Real life stories are taken from professional research and field experiences in national & international TV/Radio media interviews, speaking engagements, consultations by LaneGene Company – Motionosis who accepts no liability for the content or for the consequences of any public action taken on the basis of the information provided. ONLY first names and general locations from MainStreet USA are given for confidentiality.