*DIANA NYAD* – ! Legendary Swimmer From Cuba To Florida Keys !

DEAREST   ‘DIANA  NYAD’  most sports athletes  GET DOWN & PRAY TO ‘GOD’  LIKE IT’S UP TO HIM……


YOURS  is a  TRIBUTE  to the human race because all that you have become is THE REALITY with a phenomenal end result.  The  lesson from you is  ‘ A PERSON’S CHARACTER BECOMES THEIR FATE.’   

As competitive athletes for 45 yrs ourselves, ages  84 & 76 ,  our church is  2 1/2 hr hard core workouts 4x wk,  from which we stand in AWE over your  PEAK PERFORMANCE  demonstrated for all the world to see.  We look forward to a documentary.

We  THANK YOU  for your  KIND OF PERSON.    Warmest Regards,  Lane & Gene     www.motionOsis.com  



The agony felt from the  LOSS  of someone you LOVE…is like your heart is frozen in your chest…you barely can breathe…the pain cuts deep into your belly as your mind wanders aimlessly in a chilling wasteland.

CONVERSATION  to a person who is  GRIEVING  or terminally ill can be devastating and even debilitating.  NEVER…NEVER  say the words  I’M SORRY  as this is the most  DESTRUCTIVE  sound you can make.  To utter these  CRIPPLING  words intensifies their pain and smothers them in  HELPLESSNESS.  

Your  PRESENCE  alone speaks loudly.  Your  TOUCH  to their hand or arm speaks gently.  Words are not necessary but  LISTENING  is vital.  SHARE  in their moment…not yours and for the first time feel what it is like to  JUST BE,  by  quietly being there.  

Author/Elaine Neihardt Smith            www.motionOsis.com


MORE  than blood……MORE  than family……MORE  than religion……on global scale humankind witnessed  ‘Nik Wallenda’  on 6/23/13,  extend himself…maintain peak performance…achieve the highest level in his craft……and  RAISE  THE  BAR  as a marker to leave for mankind.

The message learned is from the balancing act;  beyond walking a cable;  THE  MASTERY  OF  SELF……  (mentally – physically – emotionally – spiritually)…………………May the  ‘Great  Spirit’  BLESS  YOU  ‘NIK’  and your family.       

Author/Lane            www.motionOsis.com    

*SEX* !!! – ‘SEX And MORE SEX’

‘DISCOVERED  IN  200,000 BC……RE-Discovered In The 21st  Century’

SEX  is a powerful  “Social Addiction”  which HOOKS  22 Million males and females into uncontrollable lifestyles.  This part of the U.S. Population has a serious  ‘pain/pleasure’  principle which preoccupies mind and matter  24/7.  It dominates behavior,  damages relationships,  destroys families and careers,  drains energy,  promotes dramatic mood swings,  adversely effects physical and mental health……all of which block healthy lifestyles.

There is a much larger segment of society who have a  SATISFYING,  calming,  meaningful pleasure that is part of a completeness shared with someone special they  LOVE.  So why is sex for some overwhelming,  destructive,  harmful,  insanely abnormal?  Answers to deviant sexual behavior by professionals may somewhat surprise you. 

Psychiatry’s bible (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)  defines sex addictions as obsessive compulsive behavior.  Most psychiatrists,  psychologists,  sociologists,  sex therapists;  when baffled by conditions that have no answers;  instead conjure up a barrage of labels.  Theirs is the license to medicate,  hold group sessions,  include spiritual guidance and… just hope.  Yet despite the best efforts of authorities in the medical community, negative statistics continue to escalate in unsustainable number.

Why has traditional treatment merely scratched the surface?  The answer lies in  HISTORY.  Since time immemorial the origin and purpose of human life was to PRESERVE the species.  Rightfully so because during the beginning of civilization,  the human species was in danger of  EXTINCTION.  Today with  7 BILLION  people on earth,  this premise doesn’t seem to apply.

Whatever your belief system,  it is imperative for you to understand that attractions,  sexual tensions,  energy transference,  biological reactions and physiological chemistry within the human body has and continues to  OVERPOWER  all reason and behavior.  What cannot be denied is the  BIOLOGICAL  DRIVE  to sexual dominance. 

Now the real question:  How does a society cope with and maintain a  BALANCE  of  TOO  MUCH  or too little?  And the real answer:  Knowing sex is borne from  INSTINCT,  controlled by  CULTURES,  makes it a  SOCIAL ADDICTION……not a medical illness.  Therefore we can take control of it.

Let’s take that section of our knowing  NARCISSISTIC SOCIETY  who possesses those same biological instincts and  SATURATE  it  COMMERCIALLY  with  SEX,  allow  pornography to flaunt,  promote competition between aging and youth,  reinforce thrill seekers and warring video games,  entertain with negative media and onslaught of killings,  keep pushing the button of high speed for faster self satisfaction……AND  what is the  BREED  that comes out of all this ???   My guess is you already answered it.

*SOLUTION:  Let’s get mental and physical.  When the most powerful  SOCIAL ADDICTION  on earth  ENSLAVES  you,  you’re battling a force of nature comparable to a  TSUNAMI !  Successful steps to take are from the book:  “Mind Matter Motion”

*ACCEPT  the fact each day that because you are human this sexual urge is for a  PRIMAL  reason to perpetuate the species.  In our civilized world the act itself is useful in pleasure for sexual health and more meaningful in a loving relationship.

*DROP  the  STIGMA  of  ‘addiction’  is a dirty word.  “Addiction Is Not A Problem…It’s A Process.”

*PHYSICAL…get clearance medically from your family physician for daily  STRENUOUS  physical exercise (preferably running)  because pulling your own body weight across the ground is the most challenging and stimulates your built in  CHEMISTRY CLOSET.

*ENERGY TRANSFERENCE  occurs during physical exertion which  ACTIVATES  the chemicals where you can make the  EXCHANGE  from a  USA (Undesirable Social Addiction)  to a  DSA (Desirable Social Addiction).

*NO  SIDE  EFFECTS  when you learn to conquer your own physiology.

*MENTAL…keep the therapeutic mental dumping with a professional going on simultaneously.  Include the family interaction which is vital for them to learn with your example as teacher.

*SOCIAL  ADDICTION  PROCESS……use it or abuse it.  Remember forming  HABIT  is habitual because repetition of any act solidifies it.  This puts the  POWER  in your hands of choice.  Change  NARCISSISTIC  behavior of……I – ME – MY……to……WE – US – THEY.

Diagnosis/Prognosis taken from professional clinical research (social addictions) of LaneGene Company – Motionosis who accepts no liability for the content or for the consequences of any public actions taken on the basis of the information provided. Consult your family physician before undergoing any physical or mental health programs.

Best Selling Book:  “Mind Matter Motion”  Copyright 1982/1983      www.motionOsis.com

LAUGH LAB: ‘TV Mania’!

IF  you really have a  DOWN  DAY  and feel unmotivated……just turn on the  TV  and watch some commercials.

‘Out of shape’  people appear……JUST  TAKE  SOME  TESTOSTERONE……blares across the screen and like them your  JUMPING  out of windows because now your  UP  longer than down.

You took the  WRONG  PILL…(Cialis  or  Viagra)  and how did you end up in that strange bedroom?  Suddenly you can  RUN  a nonstop world record just to find your way back home.  Bet you forgot to take your  ‘tranquilizer’  or  ‘sleeping pill’  instead.

WHAT TO DO……well just  CHANGE  the channel and  HEY  there’s a couple in their  70’s  covered with grease paint to look like their in their  30’s……but who cares that’s nothing!  Your  only thought is  DIVE OUT   that window  BUT  pointing right at you is a  GUN  with a terrorist on the other end of it!

WHAT TO DO……GRAB  your  ‘heart medicine’  and offer him some.  Quick……light up a  ‘marijuana cigarette’  and blow a  ‘smoke screen’  so you can crawl over your  ‘back brace ‘ and change the channel to football!

DON’T WORRY……the idiot on  TV  can’t see you as you wake up from any  ‘nightmares’  and find yourself on the  MOON  instead cause you fell short trying to escape to  MARS.  

OHHH……one thing I forgot to tell you……that knocking on your door right now is the  FBI  who monitored your phone calls & emails.  Big Brother also confiscated all your confessions on  social networks……meaning all of this constitutes  YOUR UNDER ARREST……and……you never left the house!!!




*Thou Shalt buckle up in  HONOR  of those who have gone before us.

*Thou Shalt  REFRAIN  from asking a tourist for directions when lost.

*Thou Shalt  ADMIRE  those  ‘hands free motor mouths’  with the absence of others.

*Thou Shalt  SMILE  at the  ‘moron’  pumping gas while pointing to the warning sign that their cell phone could blow the whole station up.

*Thou Shalt wave  HAPPILY  at the ‘frantic lane changer’  who ends up waiting at the same stop before you do.

*Thou Shalt  JUMP  out of the car and start  ‘running in place’  while a police officer writes the speeding ticket.

*Thou Shalt  RESTRAIN  oneself from giving the  ‘super finger’  to the  ‘maniac’  who cuts them off in traffic.

*Thou Shalt not  HAUNT  the  ‘creep’  who kills you in a car accident.

*Thou Shalt  SAVOR  the moment while pulling out of a parking spot because this is when you’re the most loved.

*Thou Shalt  BLESS  the ground we drive on but  ‘pray’  every day we can stay above it and not below it.


Author/Lane      www.motionOsis.com

LAUGH LAB: “Commentators Last Breath”

According to the  WIA  (World Illness Association),  most  MEDIA  commentators have shortness of breath,  with jaws that click like there on hinges,  rattling like storm shutters slamming in the wind from all the HOT AIR and each suffering from ID (identity crisis).

Because they are absolutely delighted with the sound of their own voices and impressed with OBC  (opinionated bull crap),  their dialog becomes owner of the air space.  Ratings go up while  FACTO  goes down.  Of course they well know this is happening because their  MOTOR MOUTHS  have formed the organization  SLO (self love organization)  which originates from the  EAS  (echo admiration society). 

Now when they look into the mirror……I mean camera…they see  B&B  (beauty & the beast).  They think they’re beauty and we the public are the beast.  After the greatest show on earth,  they go to the PMR  (phony makeup room)  and put their arm around their waist.  And if they get fresh with themselves they slap their face.

Finally they go home and take their medication from the WIA,  a pill to form a more perfect union between the  ‘liberal & conservative psychotics.’ 



LABELS…labels…labels……CONSERVATIVE……LIBERAL……once you are daring enough to look up the definitions in the dictionary, you will wonder how political parties have seized ownership of these non political words.

As Americans aren’t we first human beings who live and love along with the rest of humankind?  How is it that our lives are so defined through labels.  Consequences from this are dividing ‘Main Street USA’  who allow careless and thoughtless acts of tagging.  We’ve traded in breathing, thinking, feeling souls who work and strive for unity……for ROBOTS!

EASY  means giving up and giving in to a society which supports those “Disneyland on the Potomac Puppets”  wearing their $5000. suits and pompous hairdo’s.  Pushing the button and letting the poison flow freely from  MOTOR MOUTHS  bickering, battling and dumping on us tax payers paying the bill.

STOP the overcast of  POLITICAL POLLUTION  by turning on and listening only to the voices who integrate not separate.  Americans must be BOLD in their stance to override their country’s own dictatorship.  Stand with the rest of the world to remind negative dictators that we all live on a planet spinning in space where any intergalactic catastrophe could occur and we’d all be gone.

SAY labels be GONE……negatives be GONE……CHARGE UP  with  POSITIVES!

CELEBRATE  with a great new world for each and every ……YOU & ME !!!



A great country is only as great as we make it and being only  ‘237 yrs old’  we’re just beginning. 

Now add on all the experience we’ve had and there’s  NOTHING  that  CAN STOP US  from being  GREATER  THAN   we’ve ever been  BEFORE!   This is the ESSENCE of AMERICA.

Author/Lane            www.motionOsis.com