Tag Archives: media

‘WHO or WHY’ versus ‘WHAT and HOW’ !

IF you follow the blame game  you will forever frustrate,  stress and block your own path to excellence.  The WHO is to blame and  WHY  may never be answered.

You are joining millions of others who listen to the  motor mouth media,  news casters,  commentators,  who slant the news out of context with opinionated twisted dialog and propaganda.  93%  negative makes for higher ratings and BIG BUCKS!

Further accommodating the news are the  politicians who hold America hostage via their illegal monopoly called  republican & democrat  who are infamous for their distortion of the facts merely to fit their own agendas.

What does all this leave?  7% positive about  ‘Ma & Pa’  who work and struggle everyday to put food on the table and a roof over their head for their families.  That means veterans, seniors, minorities, children and those who sacrifice for the benefit of the world and who are hardly ever on prime time news.

SO  what’s the answer to this worldwide problem which leaves us  angry and depressed,  that leads us down the road to nowhere?

WHAT & HOW !!!  That means  what  are we going to do about it and  how  are we going to do it.  Problems  were mean’t to be solved.  The challenge lies in what each one of us is going to do to bring about solution.

We’re talking a personal responsibility we all must  share.  Once we define the real problem  (WHAT),  we are more than half way there.  Now comes the  (HOW),  the steps to change  problems to solutions. 

There is no change in  ‘who & why’  only in  WHAT & HOW.  We have not progressed from a world of wars,  destruction and discrimination,  to one of peace and harmony.  The path to  utopia lies in the ability and positive action each human can bring to this planet we all live on.

Let’s answer  WHAT  we can do and  HOW  we can work together to make it happen.

Author: Doc Gene





According to the WIA (World Illness Association), most MEDIA commentators have shortness of breath,  with jaws that click like they’re on hinges,  rattling like storm shutters slamming in the wind from all the HOT AIR and each suffering from ID (identity crisis).

Because they are absolutely delighted with the sound of their own voices and impressed with OBC (opinionated bull crap),  their DIALOG becomes owner of the air space.  Ratings go up while FACTO  goes down. Of course they well know this is happening because their MOTOR MOUTHS have formed the organization SLO (self love organization) which originates from the EAS (echo admiration society).

Now when they look into the mirror……(I mean camera)…they see B&B (beauty & the beast).  They think they’re beauty and we the public are the beast.  After the (greatest show on earth) they go to the PMR (phony makeup room) and put their arms around their waist.  And if they get fresh with themselves…they slap their face.

Finally they go home and take their medication from the WIA, a (pill)  to form a more perfect union between the ‘Liberal & Conservative psychotics.’


*STORY 6* MEDIA MANIA…MAYDAY!…MAYDAY! – “Earth Air Water And People”


How have we allowed JOURNALISTIC JUNK to rule our universe?  Journalism once practiced truth allowing only facts that supported it.  Today they voice the degradation of our society for the sake of ratings.  Proof……NEGATIVE has become our daily DOSE,  positive has become our history.

Political rhetoric rages thru our networks as MEDIA JUNKIES thrive on mass CHAOS provoking riot!  The “Great American Ripoff”  sucking billions of bucks $$$ raping our rights,  preventing fulfillment of human needs.

Is our 237 yr old USA so young it cannot learn from societies thousands of years old?  How dare we allow ourselves as a nation to abuse one another breeding poverty,  crime,  corruption!  Is HOPE as far as we get solving our problems?

Out here,  not on the Hill,  WE KNOW that there exists HEROES among us.  WE KNOW as ordinary people when we extend ourselves WE CAN DO extraordinary things.  WE KNOW  that next door or down the street our friends and neighbors are sick and tired of STINKING THINKING!

WAKE UP AMERICA…Hollywood is no longer in Beverly Hills California,  It’s in Washington D.C.!

WAKE UP WASHINGTON…abolish parties and have one BIG PARTY…The American People!

REFORM the political process minus the media and go internet direct to MainStreet USA.

BANISH obsolete voting methods using new technology for identity via thumbprints or eye photos.

EDUCATE the youth with mandatory subjects teaching a THINKING of bringing opposing forces to common ground.  Demonstrate the consequences of the DO’s & DONT’s in governing a country, a state, a city or town.

AMERICA…become the AMBASSADORS of your country back to your country and when you stand beside your AMERICAN FLAG…you will know you took your country back.

Author/Lane Tech            www.motionOsis.com

Real life stories are taken from professional research and field experiences in national & international TV/Radio media interviews, speaking engagements, consultations by LaneGene Company – Motionosis who accepts no liability for the content or for the consequences of any public action taken on the basis of the information provided. ONLY first names and general locations from MainStreet USA are given for confidentiality.

LAUGH LAB: “Commentators Last Breath”

According to the  WIA  (World Illness Association),  most  MEDIA  commentators have shortness of breath,  with jaws that click like there on hinges,  rattling like storm shutters slamming in the wind from all the HOT AIR and each suffering from ID (identity crisis).

Because they are absolutely delighted with the sound of their own voices and impressed with OBC  (opinionated bull crap),  their dialog becomes owner of the air space.  Ratings go up while  FACTO  goes down.  Of course they well know this is happening because their  MOTOR MOUTHS  have formed the organization  SLO (self love organization)  which originates from the  EAS  (echo admiration society). 

Now when they look into the mirror……I mean camera…they see  B&B  (beauty & the beast).  They think they’re beauty and we the public are the beast.  After the greatest show on earth,  they go to the PMR  (phony makeup room)  and put their arm around their waist.  And if they get fresh with themselves they slap their face.

Finally they go home and take their medication from the WIA,  a pill to form a more perfect union between the  ‘liberal & conservative psychotics.’ 
