*FRIENDS And FANTASY* Come In The Darndest Pkgs!


I SIT HERE in the middle of a forest where woods and streams surround me.  The overwhelming growth consumes me as my limitations in perceiving things frantically attempt to make an immediate capture.

I BEGIN naming things.  That’s a leaf…a branch…a tree…a brook…the sky.  Time and again I catch myself,   for to look at that same flower without any name,   I begin to see miniature worlds of wonder.

Once merely a rock riddled with algae,   now becomes a moss covered palace of velvet green splendor.  The trees become instruments of a mighty orchestra.  The streams and brooks become the voice of a thundering chorus.  The sky becomes maestro in shading and lighting.

I STAND in the middle of civilization with a busy metropolis surrounding me.  I find myself thinking…buildings…traffic…people.

When I LOOK AGAIN,  buildings become variations of fascinating form,  traffic becomes a symbol of our threatening yet ever changing norm.

Instead of seeing people,  I SEE individual persons.  Masses of gender suddenly appear in likeness of one another yet difference in character.  When I look very closely,  I see in one single human form all the combinations of these masses in miniature.

Males look like females who look like males and females look like males who look like females.

I see with amazement how this very sight models the schools of fish in the ocean,  each looking different yet resembling the other.  I can see in birds,  plants and animals,  themselves as relatives to the WHOLE SCHEME of things.

Everywhere I go I see reflections of myself and others.  I am warmed by the statement “humans are created equal”  yet I am cooled by the devastating ‘hole’ it has left in the WHOLE of humankind.  We are created equal ONLY in the way that we are equipped with the same basic tools,  WE  ARE  NOT  EQUALS  IN  THE  WAY  IN  WHICH  WE  USE  THEM.

Author/Elaine Neihardt Smith            www.motionOsis.com

*HAPPINESS……Is To Contemplate*

No matter whether you are youth or elder,  reflect back on each day and remember.  Like an architect we move moments in a mixture of  LOW  points and  HIGHLIGHTS  that take shape in what matters in our  JOURNEY  through time.

We discover in bits and pieces the  HARDSHIP  and  KINSHIP  which make up the building blocks of a life in the  PROCESS  of living.

Like  JUGGLERS  we toss tangibles and intangibles into a universe that pitches the  KNOWN  and the  UNKNOWN,  challenging our person to meet the task of the century.

We may think that ‘negative’ equals  HELL  before we master that conflict or  INCOMPLETE  thing.  We learn that ‘positive’ equals  HEAVEN  after we have resolved that conflict or  COMPLETED  that something.

Because solving and  RESOLVING PROBLEMS  takes long periods of time;  where the few moments of  RESOLUTION  last so briefly;  makes us feel we’re living in  ‘Hell’ longer than ‘Heaven.’

The  REWARD  may come in spurts for  COPING  or accomplishing and the price for learning may be dear……BUT  never forget, that the  TRIP  may be ‘Hell’ but the finished  PRODUCT  is  HEAVEN!

Author/Elaine Neihardt Smith            www.motionOsis.com


What is this strange word  MOTIONOSIS?    No it’s not in the dictionary.

What does the best selling book:  “MIND MATTER MOTION”  have to do with ‘motionOsis’?

What is  3M’s Therapy’s  20,000 client/patients; with a 97% success rate on all health issues; have to do with  YOU?

What is this kids stuff  “SASA KIDS 8 To 108 Traveling TV Talk Show Special”  and ‘global movement’ of families and communities have to do with YOU?

AND what is this new E-Book  “GOTCHA – The Whole World Is Angry & Depressed…But here’s What You Can Do About It”  have to do with all of this???

BEWARE…if you click on ‘motionOsis’ you’re gonna discover that fascinating TV Show and LOOK OUT  cause at the bottom of that 1st page you might find  “SASA FLASH KIT”  your  FAST FIX  prepping you for ‘Party Time’ in the 21st Century.

Kids 8 To 108 means  YOU  mixing with parents and families from your communities as  “SASA’s”  coming to your town.

DARE  to move thru the ‘motionOsis’ website to that 5th page  SCARE  where “Mind Matter Motion”  means PREPARE  with your  ‘Mini Medical Self Care’  showing you the  HOW TO  from the  ‘3M’s Therapy Clinic.’

WATCH OUT  for  “GOTCHA”  the new E-Book in bookstores on line as its  GALATIC  cover says it all!  How else would you find out about the oldest secret in the universe  NEVER REVEALED  until now.

WHOOPS…there’s that word again…www.motionOsis.com




LAUGH LAB – ! Special Announcement !

FOOLS  will  CEASE  to  EXIST  starting  APRIL 1st  2014 !!!             HAPPY  April Fools Day!!!




‘HEARTACHE’ Flight 370

Heavy is my heart for another’s sadness…How to bring about this robbed gladness.

The long and empty stare through space……That’s written across the lonely ones’ face.

Much longer they cannot bear the weight……Of  the pain so inflicted upon their fate.

Will ever the warmth of life’s embers be near……To once again bathe them in the light of promise here.

Somehow a newness must be known……For only those who are willing,  it will be shown.

Author/Elaine Neihardt Smith            www.motionOsis.com


’24 HRS IN AMERICA’ – Pick Your Poison!


!!! P – I – C – K            Y – O – U – R            P – O – I – S – O – N !!!    

*Morning Radio/TV news & shows quickly romance the slaughter.

*Evening TV news & shows elaborate the massacre.

*Late nite shows laugh the horror into escapism.

*Finally comes sleep of overactive dreaming to compensate for the unjust reality of everyday life. 

HOW do we motivate the masses to join our military when they come home to the absence of care for the emotionally disturbed to the hungry helpless homeless vet,  living under a bridge?

HOW can we raise a family when a child is kidnapped,  molested & murdered,  when the killer can live in our neighborhoods with the restriction they can’t go within 500 ft of a school or any child?

HOW do young boys protect themselves from predators who live & work in the hallowed halls of our institutions of church and school?

HOW does a woman defend herself from violence/rape when state laws disallow her responsible training in the use of pepper spray or sting guns?

HOW do we allow KILL instead of SKILL driving on our roads & highways?

HOW do we birth a human being only to send the innocent lambs to a society that slaughters?

HOW can a small business survive against white collar crime?

HOW can religion be expected to be our entire safety net?

Does anybody see the GREEN in all this?  The opportunity to design new industries that implement apprenticeship style training to fill positions that go further than infrastructure.  Rather the infiltration into our American society which focuses on PREVENTION of crime,  mental illness,  hunger,  homeless, etc;

The MAGNITUDE of worldly consequences from humankind’s actions throughout the centuries is charging us with its DEBT in this 21st century in a ROARING  GLOBAL  ONSLAUGHT!

WELCOME  to  FREEDOM  in America……or should I say welcome to what might be left of  Planet Earth!

Author/Lane Tech            www.motionOsis.com





LAUGH LAB: ‘Bargain Basement Politics’

THE  PEOPLE  OF  THE  UNITED  STATES  HAVE  HERE  NOW  SPOKEN……GOOD BY  to those ‘Disneyland On the Potomac Puppets’  in their $5000. suits and pompous hairdos.  So long to their ‘Good Ole Boys Network’ and closed door back room capers.  To Those lobbyists and private interest groups,  you may start crawling back into your holes to never see daylight again.

HELLO CONGRESS!  Any  (435) of you who are wealthy will be taking the $2.00 trip in all total (2 terms @ 2 yrs each)  piling up a grand total of $4.00.

HELLO SENATE!  Any  (100)  of you who are wealthy will be taking the $2.00 trip in all total (1 term @ 6 yrs)  amassing a grand total of $12.00.

Any Congress or Senate member who cannot afford to work in government,  a special (living wage)  arrangement will be made.  Included specially for both are no benefits nor retirement pensions.  However should any of you choose to excel in producing results for your country……those wonders will be automatically given a sales bonus of $10. a yr.

MONOPOLIES  are against the law.  The Republican & Democratic PARTIES hold the largest  ILLEGAL monopoly in the world and will be   ABOLISHED  by choosing the most ABSURD court.  All candidates will be determined by their non political and /or political track records via the internet.  Party Primaries now cease to exist…instead allowing popular vote where every vote counts.  Thus saving taxpayers millions of dollars of which can be credited toward paying off the national debt which all of you created in the first place.

OH……I forgot to tell you about the PERKS which are CONSIDERABLE:

*Politicians will all FLY on MILITARY craft rather than commercial 1st class.

*Congressional & Senatorial OFFICES will be located in the SLUMS.

*Citizens Committees you will EMBRACE…those who are made up of high school students,  college grads,  laborers,  office workers and of course the unemployed who all will act as your ASSISTANTS. These dear souls will be subsisting on living wage and benefits.

*All state districts will require  AVERAGE CITIZENS;  including boy scouts & girl scouts;  to give you an AGENDA……THEIRS  not yours.

*The HOUSE of  ILL REPUTE  has been REMODELED   into a full scale GYM  where you will rise early to faithfully  SWEAT  workouts 5x per week.

*HANKY PANKY of extra marital activity will be cause for immediate  DISMISSAL.

*Don’t forget how important  ENTERTAINMENT  is as yours will be BINGO!

*PROTECTION:  each member of Congress/Senate will be fitted with a MONITOR which gauges time worked,  committees and meetings attended and job performance.  Of course the NATIONAL GUARD will be both your security and policing army to keep you in line.

*Those of you LUCKILY to be VOTED in will undergo psychological testing,  criminal back ground checks,  gender checks,  medical checkups and personal/professional track records BEFORE you are SWORN in by the most obnoxious comedian of the times.


Author/Doc Gene            www.motionOsis.com




We are the leaders of the FREE WORLD,  what’s our image?  The richest country in the world!  What kind of ROLE MODEL are we when we can’t get our own financial act together.

It’s not WHOSE to blame for that  ‘THREE  RING  CIRCUS’  in Washington…nor WHY…it’s WHAT we can do about it and HOW!  WHAT is an ACTION word,  WHO is the BLAME GAME.  Asking ‘Who or Why’ will spin your wheels forever because it never will be answered.

I’m confronting what would be called political suicide  because we cannot sit on the side lines and let it continue to KILL!  Take a look…we’ve got  psychotics  in Washington wearing   pompous hairdos  and  $5000. suits,  performing  delusions  of grandeur in an  insane drama  that could win an  OSCAR!

What we have here is internal political  TERRORISM!  A literal civil war between political parties,  blatant negativism, verbal conflicts,  personality assassination,  waste-fraud-corruption  in a CIRCUS atmosphere,  all costing tax payers BILLIONS of $$$!

As citizens we’re not privy to all those secret sessions behind closed doors,  deserving of the LABEL, ‘The Good Ole Boys Network’  with their agenda instead of MainStreet USA.

Last time I looked,  MONOPOLIES  were against federal law.  Yet Democratic & Republican Parties keep pushing the labels:  (Liberal – Conservative – Moderate – Right Wing – Left Wing)  which manipulates the real meaning of politics.  This TREASON & BETRAYAL must not be allowed!  Now add to this mixture our electronic world spewing massive amounts of information that saturates  our lives whether  TRUE or FALSE,  where media distorts and makes the news rather than report it.

HOW are parents, kids, families to SURVIVE?  Let’s identify that we have a dangerous problem of  a MELT DOWN.  Understand that PROBLEMS are conditions and made to be solved which means finding a SOLUTION.

Let’s use REASON.  Despite the worst bad ass politics, these ‘Disneyland On The Potomac Puppets’ protecting their manicured image do not want the blame because they want to get RE-ELECTED.  Their selfish motives will motivate their actions.  THINK it out……would they allow a meltdown?


1.  A $20 Trillion lawsuit against all former and present federally elected.

2.  Recall of all  435  U.S. House of Representatives (Democrat/Republican).

3.  All candidates must serve their constituents in their district and determine what issues the people decide need to be addressed.

4.  Establish a bipartisan committee to examine all candidates on their promised agenda of citizens in their district.

5.  If on the recommendations of the bipartisan committee (ordinary citizens) find irregularities, false statements or lacking issues from MainStreet USA agenda,  a mandate to the Supreme Court will make judgement and file claim against those violators.  A court order will be issued for a recall vote.

6.  Each Congressman,  Senator,  President & Vice President  will be held accountable and if they fail to protect citizen rights,  they will have serious penalty deductions from their pay checks and be subjected to juvenile court disposition.

ACTION……Raise your right hand and repeat after me:  “This is serious and we are  MAD AS HELL & WE’RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE”!!!

Author/Doc Gene            www.motionOsis.com