AMERICANS overdose on I WANT! The population breeds illness care, mental poverty, criminal minds.
HEALTH CARE SOLUTIONS: Export the overweight kids to China. Eat rice, ride bicycles and plant in the fields. NO KIDDING, these Chinese kids in elementary school learn several languages and excel in science and math!!!
EDUCATION SOLUTIONS: Learn Latin and Greek because your GIBBERISH is reducing English to GRUNTING anyway. Arm teachers with SPRAY GUNS filled with HAPPY GAS!
CRIME SOLUTIONS: Bring back the CHAIN GANG and rebuild our infrastructure. Send criminals to ‘Commander ‘ET’ in Roswell New Mexico!
NOW LET’S BE SERIOUS: Education has a direct relationship to crime, health and the economy. Be part of the solution “SASA KIDS 8 To 108 Traveling TV Talk Show Special” and national movement. EDUCATE by getting your INSTANT FIX with “SASA FLASH.”
Haven’t you heard that strange new word MOTIONOSIS……it’s not in the dictionary.
Author/Doc Gene