To RATIONALIZE is to put LABELS on things,
RESTRICTING the flow of the ongoing process of REASON.
We live within the design of our own makings,
And CHANGE is our only SURVIVAL.
In REALITY we are OBSERVERS at best.
To RATIONALIZE is to put LABELS on things,
RESTRICTING the flow of the ongoing process of REASON.
We live within the design of our own makings,
And CHANGE is our only SURVIVAL.
In REALITY we are OBSERVERS at best.
All that you have BECOME is the ‘reality,’ not the end result.
SEEK ‘outer space’ through the incredulous photography of science.
NOTICE how all the gases that make up the ‘interstellar’ systems of stars, planets, etc; are the ‘Mother’ of what humans RECREATE here on EARTH, long before we ever knew outer space.
JEWELRY reflects the ‘galaxies’ and ‘milky way’ in our stones.
4th of July extravaganzas demonstrate the ‘super novas’ and ever changing life and death of stars.
In other words, the attraction we have for LIGHT in all its splendor seems INNATE in our species.
SEEK ‘inner space’ by clearing all the debris off living life’s highway, keeping what is yours and rejecting what is not. The vacuum of space breeds the potential for the mind to THINK CLEARLY with sudden bursts of LIGHT into WHAT IS REAL !!!
Our ‘guiding light’ SHINES from ‘outer space’ reminding us our ‘inner space’ is CONNECTED, because we are ‘children of the universe.’
Everybody is selling something. What should we buy? Who should we believe? Can they be trusted? Do they really care? Do they follow their own advice? What’s their real story? What’s their motive?
Those in position of power sell their story and look to influence your decisions. Are they right? How really honest are they? Can we follow their direction? They preach to us, plead with us, pressure us, push us, betray us, cheat, lie, beg, compliment us, befriend us, fight and even love us.
But is it real? How do we know it’s the truth? What might they be hiding? Who is to blame for all the troubles in the world? Are they controlled by organizations, causes, religions, philosophies, cultures, relatives, friends, businesses, competitors and even colleagues?
What do authorities bring to the daily table of negotiations with you that are part of this vast array of opinions and network of ideas, ideals and brain washings from their controlled world? Do your pastors, teachers, doctors, nurses, scientists, bankers, lawyers, politicians, commentators, sales people, actors, agents, directors, celebrities, neighbors, relatives, husbands, wives, kids, parents, all tell you the truth?
What truly guides all of us in this strange and troubled world laden with complexities in millions of transactions? Do we question enough, search for the facts, ask that question that everyone is thinking: WHAT IS REAL?
If you live your life focused on what is real , you will always be true to your very own direction, reality and satisfaction as you struggle through life’s journey. What is real defines the heart and soul of every human being on earth. When you find what is real , you’ve found your SOUL MATE.
Author/Doc Gene
STOP now and THINK……what is the one question either asked or thought about, that’s on the minds of every individual in the world?
STARTING with all issues that people; in business, education, government, politics, religion; all want to know is……WHAT IS REAL?
When a speaker delivers a message, everybody is thinking, IS HE REAL? IS HIS MESSAGE REAL? No matter what anyone says or does, we all are wondering WHAT IS REAL?
Claims by celebrities, marketers, sales, leaders, teachers, preachers, relatives, friends, all may be respected authorities……BUT still beg the question……WHAT IS REAL? Throughout our lives and every waking moment, dialog or transaction demands to know……WHAT IS REAL?
If you were to analyze each situation or condition after all the facts were in and a conclusion made……secretly to yourself you would dare to ask……WHAT IS REAL? So no matter what your reality is, inevitably we are all thinking about and asking that most important question of our entire lives……WHAT IS REAL?
Out of all the chaos, clutter, saturation of information, history, fact finding, opinion, analysis, we are still left with that MADDENING, NAGGING, insatiable haunt……the struggle to make sense of any given society and achieve our very own identity……where we must ANSWER to……WHAT IS REAL?
Author/Doc Gene
STOP now and THINK……what is the one question either asked or thought about, that’s on the minds of every individual in the world?
STARTING with all issues that people in business, education, government, politics, religion, all want to know is, WHAT IS REAL?
When a speaker delivers a message, everybody is thinking, IS HE REAL? IS HIS MESSAGE REAL? No matter what anyone says or does, we all are wondering WHAT IS REAL?
Claims by celebrities, marketers, sales, leaders, teachers, preachers, relatives, friends, all may be respected authorities……BUT still beg the question……WHAT IS REAL? Throughout our lives and every waking moment, dialog or transaction demands to know……WHAT IS REAL?
If you were to analyze each situation or condition after all the facts were in and a conclusion made……secretly to yourself you would dare to ask……WHAT IS REAL? So no matter what your reality is, inevitably we are all thinking about and asking that most important question of our entire lives……WHAT IS REAL?
Out of all the chaos, clutter, saturation of information, history, fact finding, opinion, analysis, we are still left with that maddening, nagging insatiable haunt……the struggle to make sense of any given society and achieve our very own identity……where we must ANSWER……WHAT IS REAL?
Real life stories are taken from professional research and field experiences in national & international TV/Radio media interviews, speaking engagements, consultations by LaneGene Company – Motionosis who accepts no liability for the content or for the consequences of any public action taken on the basis of the information provided. ONLY first names and general locations from Main Street USA are given for confidentiality.
Author/Doc Gene