Tag Archives: democrats

LAUGH LAB – Politicians To MARS !!!

NASA  now  ANNOUNCES  the  NEW  GROUP  to  train  for  MARS  immediately!

These  candidates  will  no  longer  need  pompous  hairdos,   parties,  $5000.  suits  and  will  save  the taxpayers  from  being ripped  off  from  their   perks.

Training  will  begin  ASAP  and  last  7 yrs  which  will  give  every  unwilling  participant  plenty  of  time  to  adjust  because  their  participation  is  mandatory.

Balance  is  no  problem  as  they  are  ideal  for  the  task  at  hand  already  being  mentally  imbalanced.

Since  there  will  be  no  showers  for  months  they  can  seize  the  opportunity  of  smelling  their  own  stench  of  which  the  American  People  no  longer  will  have  to  endure.

Food  is  served  in  varieties  of  tasty  mush  but  that’s  no  problem  because  they’re  masters  at  hallucinating  their  self  serving  agendas  which  is  a  never  ending  plate  full.

Once  they  launch  on  this  long  trip  to  Mars,  they  will  have  plenty  of  time  to  bicker,  out  manipulate  one  another,   fight  for  their  selfish  rights  and  tolerate  the  hot  air  they  will  be  blowing  off.

Recreation  will  be  easy  for  them  as  a  good  time  would  be  keeping  an  eye  on  that  oxygen  mask,  even  that  body  suit,  just  in  case  any  opposing  party  decided  to  disagree  and  it’s  SPACE  WALK  TIME !!!

Arrival  and  landing  has  got  to  be  the  mostest  to  be  looking  forward  to.  Once  outside  not  a  peep  out  of  anyone,  for  just  one  outspoken  breath  of  political  jargon  without  a  spacesuit  and  that  politician  is  BYE  BYE !!!

Survival  will  be  the  most  fun  as  both  parties  will  have  to  scratch  and  dig  to  find  a  way  to  live  together.  When  they  build  their  huts,  just  think  how  their  different  territories  will  look  hanging  on  shingles:  Republican……Democrat……Independents…etc!

WHOOPS!  Guess  folks  back  on  EARTH  know  the  rest  of  the  story,  “They’re  gonna  start  that  same  scenario  all  over  again.  BUT  the  best  part  is  they  are  up  there  and  we  are  down  here!!!




LAUGH LAB: ‘Bargain Basement Politics’

THE  PEOPLE  OF  THE  UNITED  STATES  HAVE  HERE  NOW  SPOKEN……GOOD BY  to those ‘Disneyland On the Potomac Puppets’  in their $5000. suits and pompous hairdos.  So long to their ‘Good Ole Boys Network’ and closed door back room capers.  To Those lobbyists and private interest groups,  you may start crawling back into your holes to never see daylight again.

HELLO CONGRESS!  Any  (435) of you who are wealthy will be taking the $2.00 trip in all total (2 terms @ 2 yrs each)  piling up a grand total of $4.00.

HELLO SENATE!  Any  (100)  of you who are wealthy will be taking the $2.00 trip in all total (1 term @ 6 yrs)  amassing a grand total of $12.00.

Any Congress or Senate member who cannot afford to work in government,  a special (living wage)  arrangement will be made.  Included specially for both are no benefits nor retirement pensions.  However should any of you choose to excel in producing results for your country……those wonders will be automatically given a sales bonus of $10. a yr.

MONOPOLIES  are against the law.  The Republican & Democratic PARTIES hold the largest  ILLEGAL monopoly in the world and will be   ABOLISHED  by choosing the most ABSURD court.  All candidates will be determined by their non political and /or political track records via the internet.  Party Primaries now cease to exist…instead allowing popular vote where every vote counts.  Thus saving taxpayers millions of dollars of which can be credited toward paying off the national debt which all of you created in the first place.

OH……I forgot to tell you about the PERKS which are CONSIDERABLE:

*Politicians will all FLY on MILITARY craft rather than commercial 1st class.

*Congressional & Senatorial OFFICES will be located in the SLUMS.

*Citizens Committees you will EMBRACE…those who are made up of high school students,  college grads,  laborers,  office workers and of course the unemployed who all will act as your ASSISTANTS. These dear souls will be subsisting on living wage and benefits.

*All state districts will require  AVERAGE CITIZENS;  including boy scouts & girl scouts;  to give you an AGENDA……THEIRS  not yours.

*The HOUSE of  ILL REPUTE  has been REMODELED   into a full scale GYM  where you will rise early to faithfully  SWEAT  workouts 5x per week.

*HANKY PANKY of extra marital activity will be cause for immediate  DISMISSAL.

*Don’t forget how important  ENTERTAINMENT  is as yours will be BINGO!

*PROTECTION:  each member of Congress/Senate will be fitted with a MONITOR which gauges time worked,  committees and meetings attended and job performance.  Of course the NATIONAL GUARD will be both your security and policing army to keep you in line.

*Those of you LUCKILY to be VOTED in will undergo psychological testing,  criminal back ground checks,  gender checks,  medical checkups and personal/professional track records BEFORE you are SWORN in by the most obnoxious comedian of the times.


Author/Doc Gene            www.motionOsis.com


LAUGH LAB: “Bargain Basement Politics”

THE  PEOPLE  OF  THE  UNITED  STATES  HAVE  HERE  NOW  SPOKEN……GOOD BY  to those ‘Disneyland On The Potomac Puppets’  in their  $5000.  suits and pompous hairdos.  So long to their  ‘Good Ole Boys Network’  and closed door back room capers.  To those lobbyists and private interest groups,  you may start crawling back into your holes to never see daylight again.

HELLO  CONGRESS!  Any  (435)  of you who are wealthy will be taking the  $2.00  trip in all total  (2 terms @ 2 yrs each)  piling up a grand total of $4.00.

HELLO  SENATE!  Any  (100)  of you who are wealthy will be taking the  $2.00  trip in all total  (1 term @ 6 yrs)  amassing a grand total of $12.00.

Any Congress or Senate member who cannot afford to work in government,  a special  (living wage)  arrangement will be made.  Included specially for both are no benefits nor retirement pensions.  However should any of you choose to excel in producing results for your country……those wonders will be automatically given a sales bonus of  $10.  a yr.

MONOPOLIES  are against the law.  The Republican & Democratic  PARTIES  hold the largest  ILLEGAL  monopoly in the world and will be  ABOLISHED  by choosing the most  ABSURD  court.  All candidates will be determined by their non political and/or political track records via the internet.  Party Primaries now cease to exist…instead allowing popular vote where every vote counts.  Thus saving taxpayers millions of dollars of which can be credited toward paying off the national debt which all of you created in the first place.

OH……I forgot to tell you about the  PERKS  which are  CONSIDERABLE:

*Politicians will all  FLY on  MILITARY  craft rather than commercial 1st class.

*Congressional & Senatorial OFFICES  will be located in the  SLUMS.

*Citizens Committees you will  EMBRACE…who are made up of high school students, college grads, laborers, office workers and of course the unemployed who all will act as your  ASSISTANTS.  These dear souls will be subsisting on  living wage and benefits.

*All state districts will require  AVERAGE  CITIZENS;  including boy scouts & girl scouts;  to give you an  AGENDA… THEIRS not yours.

*The  HOUSE OF ILL REPUTE  has been  REMODELED  into a full scale  GYM  where you will rise early to faithfully  SWEAT  workouts 5x per week.

*HANKY  PANKY  of extra marital activity will be cause for immediate  DISMISSAL.

*Don’t forget how important  ENTERTAINMENT  is as yours will be  BINGO!

PROTECTION:  each member of Congress/Senate will be fitted with a  MONITOR  which gauges time worked,  committees and meetings attended and job performance.  Of course the National Guard will be both your security and policing army to keep you in line.

Those of you  LUCKILY  to be  VOTED  in will undergo psychological testing,  criminal back ground checks,  gender checks,  medical checkups and personal/professional track records  BEFORE  you are  SWORN  in by the most obnoxious comedian of the times.

