Talk about the weather…………have you heard about that new ‘brain train’ supplement taking the world by storm???
Why it’s the “SASA” supplement.
Talk about the weather…………have you heard about that new ‘brain train’ supplement taking the world by storm???
Why it’s the “SASA” supplement.
Heavy is my heart for another’s sadness…How to bring about this robbed gladness.
The long and empty stare through space……That’s written across the lonely ones’ face.
Much longer they cannot bear the weight……Of the pain so inflicted upon their fate.
Will ever the warmth of life’s embers be near……To once again bathe them in the light of promise here.
Somehow a newness must be known……For only those who are willing, it will be shown.
Author/Elaine Neihardt Smith
!!! P – I – C – K Y – O – U – R P – O – I – S – O – N !!!
*Morning Radio/TV news & shows quickly romance the slaughter.
*Evening TV news & shows elaborate the massacre.
*Late nite shows laugh the horror into escapism.
*Finally comes sleep of overactive dreaming to compensate for the unjust reality of everyday life.
HOW do we motivate the masses to join our military when they come home to the absence of care for the emotionally disturbed to the hungry helpless homeless vet, living under a bridge?
HOW can we raise a family when a child is kidnapped, molested & murdered, when the killer can live in our neighborhoods with the restriction they can’t go within 500 ft of a school or any child?
HOW do young boys protect themselves from predators who live & work in the hallowed halls of our institutions of church and school?
HOW does a woman defend herself from violence/rape when state laws disallow her responsible training in the use of pepper spray or sting guns?
HOW do we allow KILL instead of SKILL driving on our roads & highways?
HOW do we birth a human being only to send the innocent lambs to a society that slaughters?
HOW can a small business survive against white collar crime?
HOW can religion be expected to be our entire safety net?
Does anybody see the GREEN in all this? The opportunity to design new industries that implement apprenticeship style training to fill positions that go further than infrastructure. Rather the infiltration into our American society which focuses on PREVENTION of crime, mental illness, hunger, homeless, etc;
The MAGNITUDE of worldly consequences from humankind’s actions throughout the centuries is charging us with its DEBT in this 21st century in a ROARING GLOBAL ONSLAUGHT!
WELCOME to FREEDOM in America……or should I say welcome to what might be left of Planet Earth!
Author/Lane Tech
Making sanity out of insanity means never ask WHO or WHY?
Instead ask WHAT and HOW?
Don’t ever be afraid to LOVE because you hurt so hard.
Don’t ever be afraid to HURT because you loved so hard.
Life is a RISK and to be experienced and LIVED.
Go hand in hand with your loved ones as together we each take our turns being part of the mixture toward eternity.
LOVE is what it was all about and remains the survivor.
Author/Elaine Neihardt Smith
Philanthropists need a WAKE UP CALL. There are millions of us out there in ‘MainStreet USA’ who do not have the funds to BUILD on an idea or even a life’s work that of which would or has GREATLY contributed to humankind.
There are huge lacks in our society because funding is used as either a write off that pads the pockets of those who operate foundations with minimal amounts given to those who either are non profits or those who cannot even afford to open up a non profit in order to receive funding.
The entire concept is MADDENING! It is amazing how vast stores of wealth are held up by those who have it or GATEKEEPERS who literally SIT ON it within a country that has incredulous NEEDS!
Generation after generation passes on the same process while blaring STATISTICS screaming for HELP continue to rise in the RICHEST COUNTRY in the world!
Credit surely is given to certain wealthy who donate to the ‘tangibles’ in this world but how about the INTANGIBLES? Where are the psychologists who seem to be the only ones aware of the MENTAL aspects of any society? Mind is an intangible and there is one professional team who mastered “A Physiological Approach To Psychological Problems” and attempted to plug its soaring success rates into this UNWILLING SOCIETY through the book “Mind Matter Motion.”
FOOD must quench mental hunger as well as physical hunger.
Attn Philanthropists: What is your answer to their life’s work which still is alive and kicking since 1968 but still struggling to contribute their efforts to humankind before they leave this planet?
The world has tried everything else but call on ‘psychics ‘ from all around the world who could shed some light with their varied impressions on (Malaysia 777 Flight 370). Whomever or where ever you are, PLEASE may we hear your input on the internet!!!
The agony felt from the LOSS of someone you LOVE…is like your heart is frozen in your chest…, you barely can breathe…the pain cuts deep into your belly as your mind wanders aimlessly in a chilling wasteland.
CONVERSATION to a person who is GRIEVING or terminally ill can be devastating and even debilitating. NEVER…NEVER say the words I’M SORRY as this is the most DESTRUCTIVE sound you can make. To utter these CRIPPLING words intensifies their pain and smothers them in HELPLESSNESS.
Your PRESENCE alone speaks loudly. Your TOUCH to their hand or arm speaks gently. Words are not necessary but LISTENING is vital. SHARE in their moment…not yours and for the first time feel what it is like to JUST BE…by quietly being there.
Author/Elaine Neihardt Smith
MENTAL ILLNESS drives this MADNESS in the media, the political parties, the many in main street USA.
The 2014 ‘State Of The Union Address’ delivered intelligently, so passionately yet eloquently by our President of this United States, brought again his ‘breath of fresh air’ to a stagnant political system.
Never in our history have destructive forces of DISCRIMINATION been so livid in the total disrespect shown by opposing sources toward a ‘Black Man’ who reigns in the ‘White House,’ who holds the highest office in the land.
YOU ALL KNOW WHO YOU ARE……and I wonder what your religion teaches you, what kind of mentality you must have, how indifferent you must be toward others, how totally oblivious you are to comprehending caring or kindnesses???
This road you travel wreaks with medieval evils of the past in misjudging and crucifying a ‘Black Man’ who is ‘half White’……a man who has risen above the highest expectations against insurmountable odds and you turn against him. I DARE YOU to walk in his shoes!
HISTORY AGAIN REPEATS ITSELF! President Barack Obama has CHANGED HISTORY just by being there let alone his relentless pursuit to make America a stronger greater place.
Thank God there are Americans who meet him more than half way……and I am one.
Lane Tech
A T T E N T I O N ‘Year 2014’
* Thou Shalt buckle up in HONOR of those who have gone before us.
* Thou Shalt REFRAIN from asking a tourist for directions when lost.
* Thou Shalt ADMIRE those ‘hands free motor mouths’ with the absence of others.
* Thou Shalt SMILE at the ‘moron’ pumping gas while pointing to the warning sign that their cell phone could blow the whole station up.
* Thou Shalt ‘WAVE HAPPILY’ at the ‘frantic lane changer’ who ends up waiting at the same stop before you do.
* Thou Shalt JUMP out of the car and start ‘running in place’ while a police officer writes the speeding ticket.
* Thou Shalt RESTRAIN oneself from giving the SUPER FINGER to the ‘maniac’ who cuts them off in traffic.
* Thou Shalt not HAUNT the ‘creep’ who kills you in a car accident.
* Thou Shalt SAVOR the moment while pulling out of a parking spot because this is when you’re the most loved.
* Thou Shalt BLESS the ground we drive on but PRAY every day we can stay above it and not below it.