LAUGH LAB: ‘Recreational Marijuana In America’

I woke up this AM and I was so excited about life.  My ups and downs in the medicine cabinet are so obsolete,  they can now be thrown out.

As I look out over the beautiful landscape covered with trees,  flowering meadows,  flowing green grass,  a massive feeling of calm overcomes me.  The wind blows through my hair as I walk through paths of plants screaming greenery from their compelling odor.

To think that only yesterday I was stressed,  frustrated and didn’t know who I really was.  But today as I puff on my pipe,  all is well and I’m in a world where I don’t have to be concerned about most anything anymore.

I get in my car and drive thru town to get on the freeway where I notice how relaxed I am.  No worry about cars speeding,  cutting me off and danger doesn’t seem to faze me.

WOW……what a world of carefree living with not a hint of trouble.  WHOOPS……I almost missed that turn off……but no problem,  I’ll just cut over,  run up on the curve and get right back on the off ramp and just miss this car in front of me.  Hmmm,  I ran a red light and didn’t even hit anybody.  This marijuana is actually protecting me,  I’ve found a new way to live!!!

I park the car, go into the store and realize I forgot what I was there for to buy.  Not a problem,  the clerk helped me get some booze,  candy and gum.

Going back home I’m noticing lots of cars coming towards me.  How could this be?  Oh OK,  no problem……I’ll just make a U-turn in the middle of the freeway,  rather lucky didn’t hit anybody and I’m finally on my way back home.

WHOOPS……suddenly some car has cut in front of me,  happening so fast I can’t avoid this CRASH!!!……Still it could have been worse,  no one is hurt and we both have insurance. 

Now that I’m home I realize what I had forgotten,  my wife’s heart medicine.  All these things happened and where did the time go?  It was not a bad day,  just some close calls and a minor accident. 

Had to grab some more puffs as I lit up my pipe.  Like magic,  PEACE  was all over me.  Guess my homework will have to wait as I’m falling asleep in front of TV.  Some how I don’t really care,  I’ve found this friend and I am feeling okay.